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issuers & distributors

Discover Ephelia

a financial Group globally located

With a history that began in 2006, Ephelia Group and its founders have always focused on the world of financial services with a special eye on the payments area.

Issuers & Distributors

Ephelia NZ PS Ltd is a Electronic Money Institution

registered with the Financial Service Provider Register (FSP) with FSP732651


Quid UK Global Ltd is an UK EMD Agent

authorized by the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) with 903002


Quid Ecosystem Ireland Ltd is an Irish EMD Agent

authorized by the De Nederlandsche Bank  with R142701


Quid CH SA is a Swiss Electronic Money Institution

authorized and regulated by the VQF The Financial Services Standards Association Organization (SRO) Ref.No 100899


Ephelia Corporate (ITA) Srl is Virtual Currency Institution

authorised by the OAM in Italy to provide Crypto and Token services with PSV97

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